Touch, intimacy, and connection for men.

What would you like to do?


Treat yourself to a relaxing massage for men, by another man. No one knows the body of a man better than another man. Choose the kind of massage you want, and the experience you want to have, to get a tailor-made experience.


Come be touched and snuggled platonically in a nurturing and loving way. Lower your blood pressure and heart rate and improve your mood. Be seen, be heard, be validated, and be held. Featured on The New Yorker, KCRW, ICON, 60 Second Docs, Medium, and more.


Find out about various workshops on tantra, touch, and intimacy for men, and sign up for any of the sessions. These workshops are designed to help you feel more confident being intimate and vulnerable with your lovers and partners — in and out of the bedroom.

Empowering Men to Live Wholeheartedly.

Let’s Work Together.

Are you a man experiencing a feeling of incompleteness, or a sense that something is missing in your life? Are you longing for a way to integrate all aspects of yourself – your sexuality, spirituality, and desire for connection – into a more fulfilling experience? Do any of these apply to you:

  • Disconnection from your sexuality: You might feel insecure or confused about your sexual desires or identity.

  • Spiritual Stagnation: You might feel a lack of purpose or meaning in your life, or a disconnect from your core values.

  • Difficulty with Intimacy: You might struggle to connect with others on a deeper, emotional level, both physically and emotionally.

  • Isolation and Loneliness: You might yearn for a sense of belonging and a community of men who understand their unique experiences.

  • Confusion about Masculinity: Societal pressures might leave you feeling unsure of what it means to be a man in a healthy way.

If you can relate to any one or more of these feelings, welcome home!

I guide men of all sexual orientations, particularly those in their mid-life, on a journey of self-discovery that integrates their sexuality and spirituality. Through connection, touch, and community, I create a safe space for men to explore spiritual, physical, and emotional intimacy. I believe in the profound connection between masculinity, sexuality, intimacy, and spirituality. Through my workshops and retreats, men explore and integrate these aspects, fostering deeper intimacy and forging a supportive brotherhood.

My focus areas:

  • Sexuality & Spirituality: I help men reconcile these often-compartmentalized aspects, creating a life infused with meaning and passion.

  • Intimacy & Connection: I explore the art of intimacy, both physical and emotional, through touch, shared experiences, and practical tools.

  • Brotherhood Building: I cultivate a safe and supportive community where men can connect with like-minded individuals on their journey.

My Mission for you is to:

  • Embrace Your Masculinity: Cultivate confidence and self-acceptance in your sexuality. Embrace your authentic self and own your desires with newfound confidence.

  • Deepen Your Spirit: Reconnect with your core values and find meaning through shared experiences. Find deeper meaning and reconnect with something larger than yourself.

  • Master the Art of Intimacy: Learn practical tools to create fulfilling relationships with yourself and others.

  • Forge a Brotherhood: Build a supportive network of men who understand and celebrate your journey. Join a supportive community of men who will be your companions on this transformative path.

What I Offer:

  • Structured, connected group exercises

  • Meaningful partnered activities

  • Individualized coaching

This is more than a program; it's a catalyst for a more fulfilling life.

Are you content with things as they are?

Or are you ready to begin your journey?

“Your purpose is not the thing you do. It’s the thing that happens in others when you do what you do.”

  • Dr. Caroline Leaf

A better world

I truly believe that if men learn to touch each other more, and be intimate with one another, we would create deeper connections that inspire and enrich our communities.
— Trevor James

Through transformative experiences:

  • Reclaim your sexual power: We'll help you integrate your sexuality with your spirituality, fostering confidence and self-acceptance.

  • Deepen your spiritual connection: Reignite your inner spark and reconnect with your core values through shared exploration.

  • Experience true intimacy: Learn practical tools and techniques to cultivate deeper emotional and physical connections with yourself and others.

  • Forge a brotherhood of support: Build a lasting community of men who understand your journey and celebrate your growth.

Trevor’s Blog

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